Tuesday, February 04, 2025



text image401 children with disability are pursuing their education from primary to post graduation. This includes those who are pursuing their special education in special schools. 12 day care centres are functioning in 11 Revenue Mandals providing supplementary education to 86 children apart from giving input on physiotherapy, speech therapy,ADLS,play therapy etc.,with the help of trained volunteers. 12 volunteers had undergone 15 days of intensive training with the help of Resource Persons and are able to the skills that they had learnt into practice. "The concept of Day Care Centres got appreciation from not only parents and their family members but also local government teachers. The teachers made a special request to volunteers to spare one hour of their time at the government school to deliver special education to disabled children. The ones who were not hoping for any change in their children are today so excited to see changes through the input given by volunteers in day care centres and follow up support. Reducing the extent of dependency of disabled children on their parents/family members constitute one of the core objectives of day care centres" 363 students from class VI to X were given education materials. In addition 112 disabled students pursuing their higher & technical education were given help in the form of financial assistance and supply of study materials."
text image"There is improved regularity of students due to supply of school/study materials. Providing them financial assistance enabled children with disabilities to go for higher studies.There is an urge among disabled students to excel others in curricular and co-curricular activities.Due to progress in children parents are also convinced of the need for education to their children and are accordingly encouraging them to continue their education overcoming the problems of disability. They are also aspiring to see their children in good positions in society"



text image2921 disabled persons representing 289 SHGs in 11 Revenue Mandals are carrying out their thrift and credit activities. 770 members took loan to an extent of Rs.14,72,676 from Mini bank and Federation as part of carrying out various livelihood activities. There is a disability Sang ha development fund, as revolving fund which is accessible to disabled persons in 3 Mandals. As many as 57 disabled persons could avail loan amounting to Rs. 286,000. Similarly 182 disabled persons by making use of their different skills are getting regular income.Sewing machines are provided to 33 disabled women who were trained in tailoring. 652 disabled persons got job cards from government and are getting involved in works carried out by government under MNREGS
text image"Earning even one rupee enhances the self-confidence and will power of persons with disability. All of them are determined to progress well in the economic activities pursued by them to improve their socio-economic status in family and society.There are a few disabled persons who are earning Rs. 2500 to Rs.3000 per month while others are also earning little less. Involving in the works of MNREGS has changed the mindset of able-bodied persons and government authorities and they are now convinced that disabled persons prove much better in turning out any works and their disability is not a constraint in proving their capacities and capabilities"



text image25 staff members associated with Sacred had undergone 30 days of intensive training in three phases on the therapeutic interventions, input on Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,leadership, group dynamics, maintenance of records & registers,community mental health and development, basic accountancy etc.,
12 volunteers associated with day care centres were trained on physiotherapy, ADLS, management of CF/MR children management, preparation of teaching materials, counseling and other CBR elements for a period of 10 days.
3 staff members are doing their distance education in CBR course recognized by Rehabilitation council of India. This is taking place at Bangalore University.
text image44 trainings covering 420 disabled persons/ their parents were conducted focusing on physiotherapy, speech therapy, ADLS, play therapy etc.,
General Body and Executive Members associated with Federations in 4 Revenue Mandals were given input on poverty analysis, problems of severely disabled persons and their management, role and responsibilities of federation, input on livelihood, governmental schemes for persons with disabilities
"Both knowledge and skill is to be upgraded periodically to carry out the tasks professionally. Updating individual files duly considering the progress of each child is important. It gives us confidence to convince both parents and others about the importance and implications of therapeutic interventions".
"Federation members with their improved leadership abilities are able to motivate and sensitize PWDs to access all the resources and services. The contents of PWD Act-1995 and privileges which are available for PWDs are discussed in various platforms.Pension is another important issue taken up by SHGs and measures are being taken to ensure that pension of PWDs is utilized for the benefit of PWDs.Federation has been instrumental in getting job cards to PWDs under MNREGS"
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