World Mental health Day Celebration:
World Mental Health Day was celebrated on October 10 at THUGGALI Mandal. 420 mentally ill persons along with caregivers took part in the meeting. The local MRO/MDO/Sub inspector of police took part in the meeting and they had assured those who were not getting pension. One of the popular psychiatrist from Anantapur district headquarters has been extending help to organize this program which was considered quite helpful to overcome the problems of mental illness.
Director of Sacred had attended two day national seminar on CBR organized by CBR India Network (10/11 December 2010). Guidelines of WHO concerning CBR, Inclusive Development of PWDs, Human Rights, Millennium Developmental Goals etc., were discussed in the seminar
Anantha Vikalangula Hakkula Vedika {AVHV}:
The district federation of disabled persons is functioning in Anantapur district.The president of GIVAM Federation by name BHAGYAMMA was elected as the secretary. Director of Sacred is also attending the meetings as facilitator. The district federation is conducting its meeting on every month 4th and concerned Mandal Federations representing in the district federation are attending. They are exploring to raise fund from general public and government.A few highlights:
Ms.Julie Love from Cordaid Netherlands visited Sacred during October 2010 and got so impressed at the progress achieved by PWDs. He monitored programs along with the staff of Sacred/Federation.
Dr.TOM FRYERs visited Sacred in the month of October 2010 and stayed for 15 days. He had seen program activities in 12 Mandals and interacted with parents / federation and those disabled persons who are carrying out various livelihood activities. Activities are being implemented involving Federations and required facilitation and support from SACRED.
This contributes for sustenance of Federation. Director of Sacred had met the executive director and program director of RDT to extend support for the continuance of programs for disabled persons in 11 Mandals.
Coordinator of Sacred took part at the Mental Health Workshop conducted by TATA Institute on 9th December 2010.Director of Sacred had participated National Seminar on Mental Health Program organized by CBR Net work India and shared his experiences.
Sacred Future Plan of Action:
To continue maintaining and updating individual files once in three months for all children and mentally ill persons by incorporating the progress achieved so far as well as treatment procedures.For example, family members of ANANTHAMMA,a speech & hearing impaired girls stopped showing signs and started communicating with her orally. She was given hearing aid and is able to hear and accordingly responding to instructions. Event the society around her stopped calling her with nick name. Her parents had practically noticed changes in their daughter and are taking her to social functions. They are now happy with the improvement which they had not expected. Monitoring the status of each child involving parents ensures their active involvement in the rehabilitation of their disabled childern.
During the reference period the technical resource persons of Sacred and other qualified professionals conducted 24 camps and parents meetings. 85 children with CP/MR were specially concentrated. 3 corner seats and 4 parallel bars were set up. Regular follow up of physiotherapy cases, speech therapy and ADLS is continuing. Severely disabled persons including autism / CP / MR / VI were encouraged to get friendly toilets from government.15 had applied for these toilets from the government. Young disabled persons especially women had expressed their values and dignity were protected by the Sacred.